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Technical Specifications

Technical Specification of Kashmir Ispat

Strength, elongation and resistance to corrosion are key performance parameters when it comes to steel. Lets see how Shakti TMT performs when it comes to these :

Strength for a steel bar is determined using 2 measures; the stress that needs to be applied for the bar to start elongating and secondly the stress at which the bar snaps. Evidently if the stress the bar can handle in both cases is higher, the bar is stronger. ISI has certain minimum specifications on both these stresses, the former is called the Yield strength and the latter the Tensile strength, Shakti TMT bars have properties that are far in excess of the ISI requirements for both parameters; at the same time, with strict controls that ensure that the strengths do not exceed a certain maximum.

Elongation for a bar is calculated as a percentage (%) of how much the bar can stretch when both ends are pulled apart before it snaps. Again as in the case of strength, ISI has a minimum standard; steel performs far in excess of the standard.

Corrosion is the biggest enemy of steel ... we see it in our everyday life in terms of how it impact our vehicles, utensils, electronic equipment etc. Traditional steel making technology requires the bars to be twisted after they are formed, to increase the strength of the bar. This process increases strength while compromising elasticity . In this Process built up internal stress also lead to faster corrosion .

Shakti TMT bars are made using TMT technology; here no bar twisting is required and the TMT process ensures superior bar qualities while making it more resistant to corrosion. The Shakti TMT Bar is therefore far more resistant to corrosion compared to the traditional twisted bars.

Chemical composition is what makes an Shakti TMT bar superior on the above parameters. A bar must have the right mix of elements in appropriate proportions if it has to offer great functionality. Our rigorous quality procedures and standards and extensive in-process testing ensure that we are able to maintain the right combination of ingredients, Shakti TMT offers a chemical mix that is well within the basic ISI stipulations.